Monday, June 27, 2011

Chylous Ascites

...Bet you don't know what the heck that is!

I didn't either until about five days ago because that's Carson's newest diagnosis.  The definition is "an abnormal condition characterized by an accumulation of chyle in the peritoneal cavity. Chylous ascites results from an obstruction in the thoracic duct that may be caused by a tumor or by a destructive lesion, resulting in rupture of a lymph vessel.". 

What all that actually means is that the fat that is normally absorbed into your body by the lymphatic system is leaking into his abdomen instead of being used as energy.  This caused increased pressure in his abdominal cavity causing bilateral hernias (they noticed the condition because of the hernia repair surgery). 

So now Carson gets to be on a NO FAT diet for the next 4-6 weeks.  That's right NO FAT!  My little kid that we've tried to "fatten up" for the last two years is not on a no fat diet and special formula, portagen.  The Portagen is apparently really gross tasting so he won't drink it and therefore he is back to being NG Tube Fed :(  and not just overnight feeds like we've done in the past.  He gets 2 feeds during the day and then over night also.

So this is what dinner time looked like the other night...notice the IV pole in the background with Carson's "Dinner" on it.  I've already come up with ways to work around the feeds including feeding in the Car.  Called our home health company today and they're sending us a backpack to try out.  Hopefully Carson will be able to carry it around so that'll make things a little easier.  Getting him to sit in one place for 30 minutes for a feed isn't the funnest thing I've ever done!

So that's pretty much where we are right now.  Carson had Bilateral Hernia Repair last Wednesday morning.  Thank the LORD he had no problems with anaesthesia this time.  We were in and out in about 5 hours.  He has recovered nicely from the procedure and now has two more scares to add to his collection.  If it's not one thing it's another with my kid!


  1. Wow -I don't know how you keep it all straight! Thank the Lord that they are figuring a FEW things out! We'll keep praying for a positive outcome for the little "Guy". Love to you all!

  2. i feel like cussing! but instead I'll pray. i'm sorry.
