Overall it's been pretty quite around our house the past week or so...who am I kidding we've had appointments almost every day of the week and visitors every day of the weekend. Last week we had Julie, our Special Ed teacher on Wednesday, Jodie our nutritionist on Thursday, Dr R (GI) on Friday for appointments. Then on Friday/Saturday Abs and Corri spend the night and on Sunday Dad came down with the lawn mower and stayed the night. Never a quite moment around these parts.
Julie: This was pretty much a "paperwork" appointment. We went through Carson's IFSP. She gave us copies of all the specialist evaluations that' they'd had done in the past month. Good news----Carson no longer qualifies for Services based on his delays! He is still delayed and if we wanted to fight for services based on that we would probably win, but at first glance he is only "slightly" delayed, which means less than 25%. He still qualifies for all services because his medical issues make it probable that he will have learning issues.
Jody: The nutritionist is also through Early Intervention, but we actually have to go to her (boooo). She had the nurse sit in on our appointment because of Carson's medical issues. I was really excited for this appointment. We talked about our goals as far as nutrition goes and we said it was to get Carson to eat more "normal" food and less pediasure. Right now Carson gets about 85% of his nutrition from Pediasure and we'd like that percentage to be MUCH lower. This was the first appointment (besides ones at the house) that we've had to take Kaylee with since we moved to Iowa...This was a very good reminder of how nice it is to have family close and not have to drag her to doctors all the time!!!
Dr R: This was just a follow up from our Liver Biopsy. He said the liver biopsy was normal. Normal for Carson which is slightly abnormal with some inflammation, but not enough to cause too much concern. Nothing for our Guy can just be totally normal. We talked with him about Carson's nutrition too. We decided to try to back off one feed of Pediasure a day. He was on 32oz we are now going to drop that down to 24oz with the hope that this will make him hungrier for "normal" food. We go back in 6 weeks, if not sooner, to check and see what this does to his weight, say a prayer he doesn't loose any! He said we should be getting a call from Dr P (pediatic surgery) to schedule the next step in the quest for surgery.
Upcoming: We see Hematology tomorrow at 8:20am. So early in the morning! I will be interested to hear what they have to say. We are seeing the blood clot expert and they are running more labs (the reason the appointment is 1st thing in the morning). Apparently there was something "off" in the initial labs they ran since they want to do more. We shall see. Our PT is coming out Thursday morning for a visit. Carson is very uneasy on his fell lately (falls all the time) so she is going to show us some new exercises to do to help build his muscles that hopefully will keep his upright more and he will have less burses!
So I guess that's my definition of quiet :) Luckily this is a very slow month for me and I've had TWO WEEKENDS in a ROW off work and will have another one this weekend. Hard to believe. We are looking forward to the Easter Bunny and Church Services this week and spending time with the Family Sunday afternoon.
That all sounds so promising!! I pray that it will continue and it is pretty great to be so close to your fam, isn't it! Have a great Easter and give your Dad (and your kiddos)a big hug from me!!