A very nice lady stopped by and guy got to pick out a book to take home! He loved his new book. Best part of our Trip to the U was getting to see my cousin Brian and Allie Wulfekuhle and FINALLY meet Reese! Reese is month older than Carson and just adorable. They had appointments at the U the same time we did so we planned to meet up. Didn't plan that Allie would be the first person we saw when we walked into the hospital. Wish we would have had more time to sit and chat with them, but we were pretty from the minute we got there until we were in Carson's room. Thanks so much to them for the present they brought Guy!!! Markers and a Veggietales move provided much needed distraction for the 4 hours Carson couldn't eat.
Most importantly we got a call this morning from Dr. R that Guy's Liver biopsy was normal. It's what was expected, but still was nice to hear. Also, his CT didn't show anything different then it did last year. I was secretly hoping that they'd say "WOW, no blood clot", but that wasn't the case.
I had the entire weekend off work and also have the next two weekends off! Not sure what I'm going to do with myself, but I'm going to like it. This weekend we spent lots of time outside because the weather was beautiful.
Much of our weekend looked like this. Abs and Corri came down and spent the night Friday night, Kay started Soccer on Saturday, Sunday we went to church then Mom, Dad, Abby & Ms Maggie came over and dad made Chicken. All in all a GREAT weekend!
This week we are busy with Early Intervention Meeting, Nutritionist & a Follow-Up appointment with the Dr. R. Never a dull moment with Carson! We should hear from Dr. P with pediatric Surgery sometime this week to move on with step 2 and to get their impressions of Carsons CT.
I am so glad that everything went well for you all :) Keep it up Carson!